Saturday, December 12, 2009

Was I ever wrong

 I did yoga today for the first time, damn let me tell you I thought I was strong and that yoga was going to be a piece of cake. WRONG! It was one of the most difficult balancing acts I have ever done. As I was doing it I was sweating profusely, my core was getting tore up and my muscles were starting to ache. Plus it taught me something about myself that I didn’t realize, I am not flexible. This is a bad thing for the mere fact I am more prone to injury. Which I am like most guys that workout I never stretch. So from now on I am going to be stretching, foam rolling and doing yoga to help with my flexibility issues. Plus stretching and foam rolling help with muscle soreness and we all hate to have the feeling of not being able to use that part due to pain. Not only does it help in those areas but it is also peaceful and with the way the world, the gym and work are it’s a nice to relax for once (Well sort of). I would advise you to do the same. If you don’t have a gym to do it at or don’t want your friends to see you walking in or out for fear of them teasing you get a DVD and do it at home. Try it you will be surprised.

Remember it's not heavy your just not strong enough!

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